We’ve established three operational postures that drive our decision making and activity levels. We’re also creating rules and recommendations that will apply across our campuses and serve as the foundation for each office and department to prepare detailed plans addressing their unique needs.

Pitt’s operational postures define what is allowable across our people, places and programs. While all of our operational postures will meet the minimum requirements provided by the counties and state, we will customize our operational posture based on factors unique to the University, including cases on campus, adherence to health and safety guidelines and availability of personal protective equipment and isolation beds.


Guarded Risk


  • Most instruction may be in person, except large lectures
  • Housing open with virus mitigation and isolation interventions in place
  • Shared spaces open
  • Maximum gathering numbers determined by space capacity and federal, state and local guidelines

Faculty & Staff

  • Work from home encouraged whenever possible
  • Those who need to support permitted activities allowed on campus
  • Research staff on campus based on Principal Investigator determination
  • Most activities are in person with virtual options and limited restrictions

Elevated Risk


  • Instruction in person permitted, except for large lectures
  • Housing open with virus mitigation and isolation interventions in place
  • Some shared spaces open
  • Maximum gathering numbers determined by space capacity and federal, state and local guidelines

Faculty & Staff

  • Work from home encouraged wherever possible
  • Those who need to support permitted activities allowed on campus
  • Virtual work encouraged for research personnel; some permitted on campus
  • Some activities in person

High Risk


  • Instruction nearly all virtual, except select clinical and labs
  • Housing open with virus mitigation and isolation interventions in place
  • Shared spaces open only to support on-campus students and staff
  • Campus life activities not permitted

Faculty & Staff

  • Work from home encouraged wherever possible
  • Those who need to support permitted activities allowed on campus
  • Research as permitted by senior leadership
  • Pitt is open, but activities are heavily restricted